Thursday, May 20, 2010

So I've Haven't Updated in a While...

...But a lot has changed in the past month. First, I got a job! I am now an assistant project manager working for G.C. Wyatt. They are a general contractor who is building a new science and engineering building on the U of A campus. I'm so excited; not only did I get a great job, but I'm working at my favorite place, with a very short commute and a built-in lunch provider! (my brother)  I am looking forward to the beginning of my construction career.

On the crafting front, because of my new job, I've not had much time to work on my projects. At the moment, I have three different projects going on: a patchwork jacket for my grandmother's birthday present, a beach bag for my mom's birthday present, and the green toddler dress for a lady at my church. I was almost done with the green dress until I realized that I didn't have enough green yarn to finish it and that all the stores are sold out of the specific green color I need. So I bought a bunch of new green yarn and am starting over.

On another note, I think this blog may evolve a bit. I want to inject more of my personal life and general experiences into, because my hobby life has taken a bit of a back seat for the moment. I want to journal my and my husband's new life together and our experiences as a couple. Maybe one day our kids will look back on this and laugh.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Long Time, No Sew.

So, I have been a very bad blogger. Between many trips and my general feeling of blah, I haven't had time nor felt like updating.

But spring is here, and with it a much better feeling for me. I know last blog I said I was trying to make a purse/wallet, but that project fell by the wayside. Since then, I have been expanding my hairbows, and have made ten of them so far. I already have someone who is buying four of them, so I'm excited about them. Maybe my new career path? I love the loopy bows (picture above), but I also make traditional bows as well.

I also mentioned last post about two dresses I was making for one of my high school friend's daughters. The one for the older girl is left and the one for her 18mo. is to the right. I think they both came out better than I even imagined. The pictures also show the bows I made for both of them. I am very happy with them, and my friend and her daughters loved them too!

My husband and I went to Louisiana to visit my grandparents last weekend. While we were there, one of my cousins had her baby, a little boy born almost 5 weeks premature. While he is doing okay, he is still in NICU and will probably be there a while. Because his birth was unexpected, I knew they didn't have any preemie stuff, so I crocheted them a set of booties and a hat for him. They were so tiny and cute. They were both really easy to make too, all three taking about three hours to make. If I get a picture I will post it.

That's all for now. Next project: cell phone covers and baby booties. Still working on the crocheted dress. Decided the color will be 'seafoam'. Will post pictures as work continues. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Projects In Progress

Well, I am almost done with my first 'commission' project. I made a brown and pink polka-dot dress for one of my friend's three-year-old and another similar dress for her 18-month old. I think they turned out great! Maybe this is my new career path.

I also learned how to make hairbows. I made two bows that matched the dresses for the girls. I think they turned out cute as well.

My next project is to see if I can make a purse/wallet. I saw some on our trip that I really loved, but I didn't like the pattern of the fabric, so I am seeing if I can recreate it in some prettier fabric. Not sure how that will go. As always, we'll see!

Lastly, I got another request for one of my dresses, but this time it is for the crocheted dress. It takes longer to make because you are basically making the 'fabric' of the dress, but it costs less to make in terms of materials. I don't know what color to make it (the lady had no preference); I need to go closet diving and see what colors I have left before I go buy some. Or maybe I'll just go buy some ;).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Trips and Totes

So I haven't been very diligent about posting. My family and I went on a trip to the mountains of Gatlinburg, TN, and between gearing up for that and enjoying the Olympics, I didn't really have time for much else. Still working on my quilt. It's coming along nicely. I have three of nine blocks quilted and am about a third of the way through the next one. I had to stop working on it before the trip to make a couple of things for the trip.

The first thing I made was a tote bag that would be big enough to hold my quilt and hoop and all necessary items. I used some leftover canvas cloth I had to make a large bag with handles and a zippered pocket. I think it came out really well. The only thing I wasn't happy with was the handles, but I think that's something that would be easily fixable next time. 

I also made myself a new camera bag. I had been using my dad's camera bag, but he wanted it back, so I decided to make my own. I used a piece of thin styrofoam that came with our furniture and cut it up into squares. I then sewed fabric to form a pocket that each piece fit into. These pieces were then sewn together to make a square 'bag' and a top to match. I used some think cotton fabric to make straps that functioned as both closures and as support for the bag itself. I also used this material to create a shoulder strap to carry it with. Although the bag is not as totally stable as I would like, it is perfect for what I needed and I love the look of it.

Next post: Picture update of my quilt. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Attempt

My grandmother has always, for as long as I can remember, made hand-pieced and hand-quilted baby quilts for almost every baby that has been born to family and friends in our community. Each quilt has been a work or art. She tries to customize every blanket to the way the baby's room is decorated or the mother's favorite colors. Her quilts become family heirlooms for their recipients. I learned how to sew by watching her create the masterpieces. Because she has arthritis, she cannot make as many quilts now as she used to, so I would like to help her.

So, I have embarked upon a journey. I have begun to make my own quilt. I am trying to learn to create masterpieces like she does. I have changed one thing: I am machine-piecing my quilts. I will continue to hand-quilt them following her footsteps, but I wanted to be faster and more precise in my piecing. I hope that my quilts will become pieces of art that not only represent my talents but also the essence of a beautiful quilt that my grandmother taught me.

I may fail miserably, but at least I'm trying my best. I know my quilts will never be as good has hers, but maybe they'll be close. I will post pics later of how I'm doing so far.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Random Thought Day

Went to the wedding of one of our church friends today with the family. The bride's dress was absolutely gorgeous, and the bridesmaids' dresses were really pretty, even if they were purple. It was a nice kind of purple. The reception was really nice, although the space was a bit small to fit all of the 300 people who came. Reminds me of my recent wedding and how much has changed and how much has stayed the same since then.

Working on a new sewing project. Super-secret, only my hubby knows what I am doing. Hope to be finished by March. Maybe will get there. I also have to finish another thing I am working on: socks. My husband always complains about having cold feet, so I am working on a pair of camouflage socks for him to wear. I will post some pics when I get the first one done.

If you have an Xbox360 and like to play games, I highly recommend an arcade game called Heavy Weapon. Its easy to learn and totally fun. All you have to do is use your Atomic Tank to shoot down the 'Red' airplanes, blimps, and occasional laser satellite. The husband and I have been playing it for a couple of days, and it gets very addictive. Go Atomic Tank!

And just a word about cold and snow: some people are crazy. I was just watching a show that was left on the TV that featured people dressed in swimsuits rolling around in the snow. Apparently its a sport at some kind of carnival. As I get cold very easily and stay cold for a long time, I don't see how these people can stand it. Just saying, people are crazy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What To Do?

So, I'm kinda at a loss right now in my life. Still looking for a job, and doing different craft stuff to take up my time. I've always wanted to make and sell stuff, but I don't know what I want to make. I have tried almost every type of craft there is to make, and I love to do them all, I just don't know what product is fully me yet. I like making girls dresses, especially for little girls like my cousin.  Maybe I can just make a bunch of different kinds and see what people like. Theses are the only dresses I have made so far:
a purple crocheted dress, a brown and pink sewn dress, and a red and white gathered 'bag' dress (no pic). The crochet dress took me about six days to make, the other two only about three. (By the way, isn't my cousin so cute!) Maybe I'll figure out something.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Someone said get a she did.

Hello internet! I am a 22-year-old recent college graduate with no job and too much time on my hands. Since I chose probably the worst time to graduate college and try to find a job, I thought I would put my newly formed and minted communication skills to use and try my hand at communicating with the outside world. I want to see what's going on out there, beyond my little apartment that I share with my wonderful husband of almost seven months. What will I find? I have no idea. Will anybody care? I doubt it, but I'm going to document it anyway (number one lesson in college learned: always have a paper trail).

To start, a little bit about me: I have a Construction Engineering degree (yes, I am a female in a man's world), I love to sew and crochet, I am a huge Crimson Tide fan, and I have been known to kick butt in Halo. I'll try (almost) anything once, and my husband usually eats it when I do.

Therefore I begin. Maybe you'll stumble upon my little blog and stay a while. You never know what you may find.