Monday, March 8, 2010

Projects In Progress

Well, I am almost done with my first 'commission' project. I made a brown and pink polka-dot dress for one of my friend's three-year-old and another similar dress for her 18-month old. I think they turned out great! Maybe this is my new career path.

I also learned how to make hairbows. I made two bows that matched the dresses for the girls. I think they turned out cute as well.

My next project is to see if I can make a purse/wallet. I saw some on our trip that I really loved, but I didn't like the pattern of the fabric, so I am seeing if I can recreate it in some prettier fabric. Not sure how that will go. As always, we'll see!

Lastly, I got another request for one of my dresses, but this time it is for the crocheted dress. It takes longer to make because you are basically making the 'fabric' of the dress, but it costs less to make in terms of materials. I don't know what color to make it (the lady had no preference); I need to go closet diving and see what colors I have left before I go buy some. Or maybe I'll just go buy some ;).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Trips and Totes

So I haven't been very diligent about posting. My family and I went on a trip to the mountains of Gatlinburg, TN, and between gearing up for that and enjoying the Olympics, I didn't really have time for much else. Still working on my quilt. It's coming along nicely. I have three of nine blocks quilted and am about a third of the way through the next one. I had to stop working on it before the trip to make a couple of things for the trip.

The first thing I made was a tote bag that would be big enough to hold my quilt and hoop and all necessary items. I used some leftover canvas cloth I had to make a large bag with handles and a zippered pocket. I think it came out really well. The only thing I wasn't happy with was the handles, but I think that's something that would be easily fixable next time. 

I also made myself a new camera bag. I had been using my dad's camera bag, but he wanted it back, so I decided to make my own. I used a piece of thin styrofoam that came with our furniture and cut it up into squares. I then sewed fabric to form a pocket that each piece fit into. These pieces were then sewn together to make a square 'bag' and a top to match. I used some think cotton fabric to make straps that functioned as both closures and as support for the bag itself. I also used this material to create a shoulder strap to carry it with. Although the bag is not as totally stable as I would like, it is perfect for what I needed and I love the look of it.

Next post: Picture update of my quilt.